
Course Information

Prof Development Seminar II (EDM 551)

Term: Academic Year 2008-09 Spring


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


Wed, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (1/6/2009 - 5/5/2009) Location: LR BL 2
Wed, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (1/6/2009 - 1/15/2009) Location: LR MU 319


Three philosophical themes are woven through this year-long seminar: purpose of schooling, pedagogy and success. Throughout the year, as apprentices observe, practice and reflect, they do so within the context of exploring the content and meaning of curriculum, of how learning goals are achieved and with a commitment to the success of every student. Individual advisement is a critical component of the seminar and serves as a vehicle for professional growth. Resume writing, job placement, an inclusive approach to differing school experiences, and the state mandated Ohio Assessment for Educators examinations are included components.