
Course Information

Instructional Technologies for Educ (EDL 130)

Term: Academic Year 2012-13 Spring


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Mon, 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM (1/14/2013 - 5/6/2013) Location: LR MU 140


A course that helps candidates inspire student learning with technology and engage learners with digital tools. Pre-service teachers work to discover ???limitless ways to create highly interactive learning opportunities for elementary and secondary school students using . . . a full range of existing technologies . . .??? (Maloy, Verock-O???Loughlin, Edwards, & Woolf, 2011). Using 21st century skills and the NETS (National Education Technology Standards) revised frameworks for teaching and learning with technology from ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), faculty work to provide meaningful ways for candidates to incorporate technology into lessons, making them interactive and motivating to students.