
Course Information

Teaching Learning Organization EC (EDE 240)

Term: Academic Year 2012-13 Spring


Mary Jo Cherry Ph.DShow MyInfo popup for Mary Jo Cherry Ph.D
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Mon, 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (1/14/2013 - 5/6/2013) Location: LR BL 2


History and philosophies of early childhood education provide the foundation of this course. Focuses on gaining general knowledge of what is involved in developing a stimulating environment for young children from pre-school through grade 3. Includes an overview of developmental planning and evaluation. Studies the interaction between teacher and child, teacher and environment, and child and environment. Teacher candidates learn to evaluate environments in terms of space arrangement, equipment, materials, supplies, and adult/child interactions that support developmentally appropriate practices. Topics include early childhood as a profession, code of ethics, and use of technology. Requires additional field-based experience hours in which teacher candidates also demonstrate understanding of reflective practice, BCI clearance, NEA/OEA student membership, and membership in Specialized Professional Association.