
Course Information

Visual Arts Methods AYA (EDA 300)

Term: Academic Year 2006-07 Spring


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


Tue, 5:40 PM - 7:20 PM (1/18/2007 - 5/12/2007) Location: LR PC 217


A study of curriculum with an emphasis on the practical application of principles of instruction on unit and lesson planning specific to the design of visual arts instruction at the secondary level. Teacher candidates plan a unit based on the Ohio Learning Standards in fine arts for visual art, deliver lessons in both school and micro-teaching contexts, and apply principles of measurement and evaluation to the design of a variety of assessment instruments. Principles are introduced by college faculty on campus, and fieldwork involves instruction in and application of current practices in schools. Requires additional hours of field experience in an AYA placement, BCI clearance, NEA/OEA student membership, and membership in the Specialized Professional Association.